The Old Railroad Grade
Part 3
The brook to the north and south of the old railroad grade provides some beautiful color. This year, because of the dry summer, the colors for some trees peaked at different times. You can compare the pictures of the brook to the north at both times of the month.
October 9, 2010
This is the view from the arch bridge looking south.
This is looking toward Kissacook Hill, in the background.
These pictures were taken in the morning, as noted by the shadow.
Again, south of the arch bridge.
This is from the base of the arch bridge looking north. Near the bottom of this page are two more pictures taken from this same place, but two weeks later.
October 23, 2010
Another picture, taken to the south of the arch bridge. Again, early morning.
Kissacook Hill is nearing peak color. The trees below are shown on the page marked Autumn leaves.
The shadow from the hill kept the water in the shadow, but lit up the trees.
The brook was like a mirror, thanks to the beaver dam that is downstream.
These two pictures were taken on the northern side of the arch bridge. There is more color than two weeks earlier.
October 30, 2010
This picture was taken from the same spot, but looking south. These are ducks enjoying the cold weather. The only color is the rust from the oaks and the green from the pines.