
Part 4 -- The road into town

It was May 1 and I decided to walk into town and take some photos of the flora along the route.  My first stop was in front of the school.

My next stop was the Catholic Church.  Churches, especially Catholic, have beautiful art and stained glass windows.  The art outside rivals the art inside.

Then I followed the old railroad grade to the existing tracks.  When looking for unusual flowers, this is a good place to start.  Sometimes, seeds fall on railroad cars and stay on them for thousands of miles.  The seeds can be blown off the cars anyplace along the route and the flowers may bloom for only days, months, or even years.

These flowers are so complex.

After following the tracks for about a quarter mile, I followed the old trolley line into the Village.  Along the trolley line, I saw some interesting flora.  Below is either a tree or bush.  It is very colorful.

This is a small and delicate little flower.

More white blossoms.

Here is a frustration.  When I first photographed this blossom, it was out-of-focus.  I did not notice that there was an ant on the other side.  After refocusing the camera, I took another picture.  I, again, did not notice the ant until I got home.  I used the ant in my wildlife section.


After reaching the Village, I crossed the railroad tracks and went to the lake.  At the entrance, I noticed more flowers.

After leaving the lake, I walked past some houses.  In front of one of the houses was a tree full of pink blossoms.

Two weeks later, on May 15, I took another walk.  Many of the flowers had disappeared, but there were other new flowers.

I noticed a tiny flower that was about a fifth of an inch across.  I managed to photograph it.

And here is another very small flower.

Finally, I found some large dandelions.