Part 19
The road to town
The first stop on my trek was the school yard. This was on the roadside on the trail to the school.
And on the trail was this flower.
And a wild rose.
The yellow weeds had proliferated, but I did not care.
I found nothing more of interest until just at the crossing of the old railroad grade, the old trolley line and the railroad tracks. This bush had hundreds of red berries.
When I got to the old arch bridge, I saw hundreds of pond lilies.
There was this purple flower growing throughout the swamp.
I continued down the old railroad grade and found this yellow flower. I had photographed it last week.
More raspberries. I found hundreds of them and I ate many of the ripe ones.
I went out to the railroad tracks and was very saddened. They had sprayed the edge of the tracks with herbicide. Everything was dead. I continued out to the trolley line where I found bushes.
More wild roses.
And these tiny flowers.
I found this interesting constellation of flowers.
Then I found this purple flower. It is similar the flowers in the swamp.
I crossed the town beach. In the brush near the beach, I found this flower.
And I found some thistle.
At the entrance to the town beach, which I passed on the way out, I found this flower.
On the other side of the road from the tracks, I found this tall think plant and flower.
This was growing between the brook and the road to the beach.
And more of these blue flowers. I love the color.
After leaving the pond, on the way into the woods, I found this plant.
In the woods, I found this strange plant that is only a few inches tall. I have photos of various stages of bloom.
And this extremely small plant.
When I circled back to the school, I found a field of thistle.
At the end of one of the driveways, I found a few more cultured flowers.