
Part 14

The berries photographed below are from the southern side of the beaver pond.  They were photographed on May 1.

This flower was on the northern side of the beaver pond.  It was taken on June 14.  I have tried to photo this flower, but this is the first one that I found that was not surrounded by water.

Here are some more lilies.

I found these tiny flowers on a bush.

And these flowers were only inches from the ground where nobody, except me, would notice them.

I have a lot of pictures of this flower.  Here is one more.

This is the flower before the petals appear or maybe after they fell off.

I shielded the sun and took this picture.  I did not notice the red until I prepared the photo for this page.  I realized the cause; it was growing next to my red Jeep.

I went back to the beaver pond.  I found a yellow lily.

I found more white lilies.

Lilies as far as I could see!

I took another picture (actually nine pictures) of this flower.