Part 13
The road to town
June 12 was the visit to town when I took these pictures. It was mostly overcast, but the sun broke through from time to time. My first stop was the school.
Then I stopped outside the Catholic Church. I had taken pictures of these flowers before, but they have grown.
Then I followed the railroad tracks, where there are often strange and exotic flowers. I have photographed this flower before, but it is just so beautiful.
Something about me is that I look for beauty everywhere. The next few pictures are ugly weeds, but I found beauty in them. So it is with people.
Then I came upon a very unusual flower. At first, I just passed by them, but then when I looked closely, I realized great beauty in these buds that are yet to bloom. I puzzled over them until I was almost finished with my walk.
I found a flower that I had photographed last week. The delicate beauty still fascinates me.
This is the whole plant. Notice the railroad tracks in the background.
There was another plant next to the one I had photographed.
As I walked down the track, I noticed a very small plant beside the tracks.
I left the railroad and followed the abandoned trolley tracks.
I saw some grass that had gone to seed, waiting for a gust of wind to carry the seeds to their fate. The color is intriguing.
And still more flowers along the trail.
This is a puzzling little flower.
As I entered the town lake, I found another weed.
But the blossoms are so beautiful!
Back at the tracks, I found another flower.
I crossed the road and this was growing beside the brook.
I followed the road into the Village and prepared to go into the woods. These blossoms were growing from a bush in front of somebody's house.
I entered the woods and found this little flower growing in the wild. I tried so hard to photograph this in the past and this time, I had no trouble.
Again, I was amazed by grass.
Then, I found more of these strange orbs.
Then I discovered a blossom. It is thistle.
Just before returning home, I took some pictures of flowers in a driveway. It was raining as I took these pictures.
I found this strange flower. Maybe I should have put it into "My Visit to Another Planet."
More beautiful flowers.