Autumn Leaves
This was a strange year for autumn leaves. The summer was very dry with absolutely no rain during July and August. The result was that some trees changed colors early and others were late. I have divided the pictures by date, in some cases taking pictures at the same place with totally different colors over the period of a month.
September 25, 2010
This is the side of Kissacook Hill taken across a swampy part of Reed Brook
The next three pictures were taken from a school yard. The schoolyard is at the base of the north side of Kissacook Hill.
The last two pictures are to the south of the school. Note that the last two pictures on this page were taken a week later from the same spot. The sumac bushes are red in both pictures.
October 2, 2010
The following two pictures were taken toward Kissacook Hill across the swamp on Reed Brook.
The last two pictures were taken from behind the school. The sumac is still red, but the bright red trees in the background have lost their color and leaves.